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Rythm Set (PvZ Drumkits)

by dzrt

Uploaded on Jul 20, 2021 (and last updated on May 29, 2022)

Click "More Info" please. This is some of the Drumkits that Laura Shigihara used in PvZ OST. Shigi used the plugin called "RolandGrooveSynth" that came with her DAW Sonar 6.If you are interested in recreating PvZ OST, we have a discord server for that, you can join if you want (We recreate OST Ver. of the soundtrack, so we don't use the soundfont). Edit September 14th: Added 1 new instruments to both Electro and Industrial ("Can Tom" to Industrial and "Air Blip" to Elec...

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The YouTube Drums Soundfont (This one is bad, download Rythm Set Instead)

by dzrt

Uploaded on May 08, 2021 (and last updated on Jul 21, 2021)

A Soundfont made with a Youtube video from the channel “Play With Keyboard“. The original idea of making this soundfont was from someone I found in the comments called “Cringe Gaming 64“. Also, don't espect this soundfont will be good. Edit: I just realized that this thing is literally FPC

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