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Densetsu no Starfy 4 Soundfont

by Anthro

Uploaded on Apr 22, 2023 (and last updated on Apr 24, 2023)

Extracted from VGMTrans, tested using SynthFont, and edited using Polyphone by renaming instruments and presets. Densetsu no Stafy 4 is a Japan-only Nintendo DS Launch title that was released on April 13th, 2006. It is a fun, addicting and catchy video game with well-designed stages and "cities", has the best soundtracks that slaps it hits different, and the difficulty is surprisingly low. It's recommended that you should totally play the game.

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Lil'Sness - An Original SNES-like Soundfont (160+ Samples)

by ASmolBoy

Uploaded on Apr 20, 2022 (and last updated on Dec 30, 2023)

Click on "More Info..." to check out some awesome demo songs made in this soundfont! What is this? Lil'Sness is an original SNES-like soundfont, meaning no samples were taken from any existing SNES games. Each sample was recorded and processed within the constraints of the SNES's sound hardware to make them as authentic-sounding as possible. Most samples were taken from 80s and 90s sound libraries, much like programmers/composers did back in the day. It contains over 1...

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Public small Work in the Public Domain
Extra considerations: (Click on "More Info..." for actual license, none of the choices provided fitted my needs.)

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The Ultimate Kirby Soundfont

by Youmu Konpaku

Uploaded on Jan 25, 2022 (and last updated on Apr 05, 2024)

This SoundFont takes instruments from various Kirby games to make a mostly complete SoundFont! Like my Earthbound SoundFont, not only is the SoundFont GM compatible, it also contains a lot more instruments than the standard 127! The SoundFont included here only contains the melodic instruments. To have the drums as well, you'll need to get the Drumkits Soundfont through the Google Drive link.

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