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well this was My previous soundfont but I resampled to make it more close to a Ai synthesis instead FM layering and for saving disk space Ironically, I think that despite being an FM-based sound, I feel that it is one of those few sounds that the more Rompler-sampled instead of FM synthetized, the better consistency it has It is not for nothing that those keyboards that begin their brand with the letter K and Artificial Inteligenct Type 2 1994 synths are my favorites f...

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well, first after trying to sample the YCS FM korg based piano, well I feel it a little hollow in bass, so I mixed it with some extra dexed presets, to more closely resemble the bass sound of the 01w digipiano. but then I wanted to imitate a super layer like the 01W Dynopiano, so when I finished my heavy and bass sound preset, I dedicated myself to try to recreate the sound of the DWGS contained in the korgs of the 90s using bell like Dexed presets, which is usually the ...

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Unleash The Beast SoundFont v1.2 (Not complete)

by Simone Piervergili

Uploaded on Apr 19, 2024 (and last updated on Apr 24, 2024)

I'm still working on version 1.2 of this soundfont, but you can still find a few interesting things here. This GM SoundFont is pretty realistic and high quality, but it's meant to be more free from the standards, which means, that I make the instruments sound the way I want and more freedom of presets, instruments and samples sounding unique, but not necessarily like they're supposed to sound like, but still very realistic!!! With lots of new sources, like Soundtrap, Ban...

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Various Licenses
These files are made available through a mix of different licenses. Read the description, more info links, file contents or contact the author in order to get the full information.
Extra considerations: 2024 version

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Digipiano 01w showcase example

by KORG in theri model 01w, upload and sampling by Mike77154

Uploaded on Apr 19, 2024 (and last updated on Apr 19, 2024)

this is more a consultation upload for Yingchun Soul Hey man, is there a way that with a OS synth you can recreate this exactly preset, cuz is the base for all electric pianos in 90s for korg usually layered with various types of synths 你好 Yingchun,我一直想在 Korg 之外重新创建这个声音,因为它是比 crystal ep 更复杂的声音。因此我想知道您是否可以花时间分析它,看看是否可以重新创建它。 因为这是 90 年代几个非常具体的 Korg 预设的基础

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Licensing Gray Area
These files have an unknown license, were obtained from unkown sources or were compiled from third party material.

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It's the same soundfont but with a stereo copy of the electric grand piano, I made the main one mono, but samples still have stereo links, maybe some release in Fingered Bass and attenuated that low note, I left the rest as in 2022. This GM SoundFont is pretty realistic and high quality, but it's meant to be more free from the standards, which means, that I make the instruments sound the way I want and more freedom of presets, instruments and samples sounding unique, but ...

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Various Licenses
These files are made available through a mix of different licenses. Read the description, more info links, file contents or contact the author in order to get the full information.
Extra considerations: 2022 version:

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Fresh Air Recreation MOD

by Yingchun soul, Toru Inahama, Mike77154 as preset modifier

Uploaded on Apr 13, 2024 (and last updated on Apr 13, 2024)

The truth is that I never expected anyone to try to recreate this sound, generally everyone uses the sound canvas brightness although it is already overused Then my friend the Chinese arrives and comes up with each idea that undoubtedly leaves me admired. Ironically, now I don't have my physical Korg 01w to study in depth the construction of the sound, but I have to admit that the elf of love came quite close to the sound. original source even when it was not his intentio...

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Various Licenses
These files are made available through a mix of different licenses. Read the description, more info links, file contents or contact the author in order to get the full information.

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