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mattel toy radio soundfont

by electronic toy fan 2.0

Uploaded on Jul 17, 2022 (and last updated on Jul 17, 2022)

this is a soundfont that was created with mattel radio samples from toys such as the 2000 bluesclues radio, and the 1999 123fm radio. injoi.

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EAS Header

by N/A

Uploaded on Feb 15, 2020 (and last updated on Jun 30, 2020)

(MY FIRST UPLOAD) Have you ever received a test of the EAS on TV? Maybe you received a Severe Thunderstorm Warning on your phone? Maybe you've received a Civil Emergency Message on your NOAA Weather Radio? And you've thought the EAS Header was scary... Well I've decided to turn the EAS Header into an instrument! "EAS Header" replaces the following instrument(s): Lead 1 (square) All credits go to rightful owners.

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