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Showing search results for "michael"
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8-Bit Chip

by Michael Picher

Uploaded on Sep 29, 2016 (and last updated on Sep 18, 2019)

Introducing Version 2.0!! SFZ Format Pulse (3 variants), Triangle, and Noise waves Simple keyboard layout "Legato" effect Vibrato, tremolo, slide (portamento), attack, and release controls ​ The goal, when designing "8-Bit Chip", was to create something that was friendly to a musician, rather than a programer. Traditionally, 8-Bit music is created in what can be described as a spreadsheet-like environment, where pitches and effects are coded one at a time. My idea was ...

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All Rights Reserved to Michael Picher
Extra considerations: Feel free to use this virtual instrument in any commercial/non-commercial projects!

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Arachno SoundFont

by Arachnosoft - Maxime Abbey

Uploaded on Apr 21, 2022 (and last updated on Apr 04, 2024)

Always used to think that MIDI music was ugly? Think again! Arachno SoundFont is a General MIDI-compliant bank of 128 instruments ("presets") and 9 GM/GS drumkits, aimed at enhancing the realism of your MIDI files and arrangements. This bank includes many famous sounds from the best synthesizers by Roland (D-50, Sound Canvas...), Korg (M1, X5...), Yamaha (MU, Clavinova...), Fairlight (CMI), E-MU (Emulator), Ensoniq, and many others. It's meant to be used with a SoundFont...

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Various Licenses
These files are made available through a mix of different licenses. Read the description, more info links, file contents or contact the author in order to get the full information.
Extra considerations: Most portions of this bank actually come from other sources (SoundFont and GigaSampler libraries, third-party synthesizer samples), credited in the official documentation, although I've been unable to remember where I found a few presets and samples, here and there. You're free to use Arachno SoundFont in any of your projects. But, please be aware that this bank is primarily distributed for private, non-commercial purposes only, as it uses portions from other authors. If you want to use it for commercial purposes, please obtain a written consent from the original authors credited in the Preset list and Copyright information and credits sections of the documentation. -------------- De nombreuses portions de cette banque proviennent de sources diverses (collections de banques SoundFont et GigaSampler, échantillons de synthétiseurs tiers), décrites dans la documentation officielle; bien que j'avoue avoir été parfois incapable de me souvenir de la provenance de certains sons et presets, ici et là. Vous êtes libre d'utiliser Arachno SoundFont dans tous vos projets. Mais, gardez à l'esprit que cette banque vous est avant tout proposée pour une utilisation privée et non commerciale, vu qu'elle utilise en partie le travail d'autres auteurs. Si vous souhaitez l'utiliser à des fins commerciales, je vous saurais gré d'obtenir une autorisation écrite de la part des auteurs originaux mentionnés dans les sections Liste des presets et Informations liées au copyright et crédits de la documentation.

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Baking Pan-demonium [Free Version]

by Michael Picher

Uploaded on Sep 12, 2018 (and last updated on Dec 02, 2018)

Introducing "Baking Pan-demonium"! The focus of this library was to sample as many baking pans as I could, in as much detail as I could. The free version includes 1 pan, with all the same features as the full version. >> IMPORTANT: If you want to be notified when a new version of this sample library is available, make sure you download it from my website! <<

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All Rights Reserved to Michael Picher
Extra considerations: Feel free to use this virtual instrument in any commercial/non-commercial projects!

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Binaural Upright Piano

by Michael Picher

Uploaded on Sep 02, 2016 (and last updated on Dec 02, 2018)

Unlike other virtual pianos, this one will give you the sensation of sitting at the piano bench directly in front of the keys. This effect is best experienced when you wear headphones. Features include samples for when the damper pedal is both up and down, sampled releases, and even damper pedal sounds that all recorded binaurally from a playing position! >> IMPORTANT: If you want to be notified when a new version of this sample library is available, make sure you d...

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All Rights Reserved to Michael Picher

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I decided to make FLPs for those 3 jingles from the Cartoon Network CHECK it era. Give credits if you like.

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CT-7000 (Retro Synth) [Free Version]

by Michael Picher

Uploaded on Mar 20, 2017 (and last updated on Apr 04, 2024)

If you need that musical sound from an 80s rock band or a Homestar Runner cartoon, this sample library could fit the bill! I built this virtual synth from samples, recorded using a vintage keyboard, that just appeared one day. When we were kids, my brother and I spent countless hours playing around with it. I even composed some of my very first melodies of music using this keyboard. >> IMPORTANT: If you want to be notified when a new version of this sample library...

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All Rights Reserved to Michael Picher
Extra considerations: Feel free to use this virtual instrument in any commercial/non-commercial projects.

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