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Showing search results for "sega"
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8bitSF ( The Nes Soundfont )

by TheEighthBit

Uploaded on Jul 29, 2015 (and last updated on Mar 26, 2021)

8BitSF (Formerly The NES Soundfont) NOTICE: Unfortunately, I am no longer working on this soundfont, so please do not comment or message me asking me to add things to it or giving me suggestions on improving it! If you would like to see it improved, please feel free to download it and modify it as you wish, but please credit The Eighth Bit if you decide to release it as your own project! Thank you! ^-^ I added some more instruments and changed already existing ones. Now ...

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These files have an unknown license, were obtained from unkown sources or were compiled from third party material.

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ClayFighter 63⅓ is a 1997 fighting game by Interplay Productions and the third installment in the ClayFighter series. Despite the rather mixed opinions on the game, I believe the instruments and the music in this game is just amazing. Note that this is only 63⅓ and has no instruments or samples from the updated Sculpter's Cut version. Samples ripped with N64 Soundlist. There are duplicate instruments to satisfy those who love GM.

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Smaller and more compact, the definitive version of the last soundfont I made, with Arachno and Live HQ samples inside! Enjoy! Update 2.5:Restored Fuzzy Guitar from previous version. N O T E: I do want a comparison between Arachno, Live HQ, the RLNDGM.sf2 and this one on YouTube, because it would show how close to Roland Sound Canvas the soundfont is, but I can't do it by myself. If you wanna showcase it, give credit to me, but you're not obliged to do it. It's all abou...

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Defle2151 GM

by Mx. K

Uploaded on Jun 21, 2022 (and last updated on Apr 16, 2023)

"I used Deflemask Presets for the YM2151 to make a soundfont. Think of this a SegaAudio but its the YM2151. I also used some samples John Tay's Deflemask Files. Enjoy using it, I guess." -Jojo Witstar

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Defle2612 GM

by Mx. K

Uploaded on Jun 22, 2022 (and last updated on Apr 16, 2023)

"I used Deflemask Presets for the YM2612 to make a soundfont like I did for Defle2151. So yeah, I might do the Sega Master System next. -Jojo Witstar Make sure to join John Tay's Discord server!

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