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The Stain Soundfont

by High CPU / stin

Uploaded on Sep 10, 2018 (and last updated on Nov 25, 2023)

This is a soundfont made out of random samples on my computer (some were made specifically for this soundfont). It was meant to be played with MIDIs, but you can use it in your music if you really want to Nov 2023 update: Optimized the soundfont and tuned the samples better Preset list: Any presets without a description is a random sound from my computer (there's a lot) ------Melodic------ 1 - piano 8bit | An 8bit sound I made with NES VST 1.2 2 - TruePianos | Samp...

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Megadimension Neptunia VII - Nep Nep Nep

by James Monroe

Uploaded on May 22, 2020 (and last updated on Apr 04, 2024)

Enjoy creating eternal madness infinitely with the power of a purple haired DEAD console reincarnation singing her nickname.Who needs hatsune or what ever her name is when you have NEPTUNE! Enjoy funposting!. CONTAINS : instruments that have a different nep sound vocals

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The Discord Soundfont

by Tyrone Monroe

Uploaded on May 22, 2020 (and last updated on Apr 04, 2024)

Created from awave studio using samples from discords bleeps and bloops. I am not sorry for the instrument names!.

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The We are Number One Soundfont

by Mr_Incognito

Uploaded on Oct 24, 2020 (and last updated on Oct 24, 2020)

This is kinda trash but ummm the trumpets are kinda good

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Morshu MMM Soundfont

by Someguy Studios

Uploaded on Feb 05, 2021 (and last updated on Feb 01, 2022)

Soundfonts, Memes, Cringe? You want it? It's yours my friend, as long as you have enough rupees. I made this soundfont due to the resurgence of the legendary YTP classic meme, Morshu. You'll notice it's a single Grand Piano instrument that seamlessly loops. I kindly ask that anyone creating content using this soundfont link this page to said content. Here's an example of this soundfont in action:

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