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A group Acapella GS (GM.DLS level) Soundfont made with free sources. Features highly amazing range from 2 members of this group. progressively sips a matcha latte while riding in a spiral on a bicycle I, stgiga, have a high neutral voice with about as much tuning as a Calliope. I'm pretty sure you can figure out how odd that pitch is for ME to have and how fitting that tuning is if you take a look at my weebly that has my HiDef soundfont on it... I really should update t...

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The Ultimate STAIN+stin SoundFont

by stgiga, High CPU/stin, TEMMIS, Tyler

Uploaded on Nov 23, 2023 (and last updated on Nov 24, 2023)

I'm stgiga, and this SoundFont is my build of The Stain SoundFont, which includes patches even back to V1.0 that were left unused, or in some cases sample-only. It also includes replaced and added patches. I left all names unaltered for preservation. I also integrated the stin bank into the MSB127 MT32 compatibility slot. Don't take this SF2 as a representation of the stuff I do. Also, the site is slow so tagging is a huge pain compared to usual. I'm likely not going to b...

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Castlevania: aria of sorrow - soundfont and midis

by tyler_musicman

Uploaded on Mar 31, 2024 (and last updated on Apr 01, 2024)

this was ripped with gba music ripper. a friend of mine showed me how to use it, and I came up with something interesting. have fun.

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