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General Game Boy Advance Soundfont 2.0

by BuskinCothurn

Uploaded on Aug 20, 2022 (and last updated on Sep 19, 2022)

After about 4 months of no updates to this soundfont I went back to highly improve it, as I wasn't too happy with it. Many samples were replaced with much more MIDI friendly and overall better ones and instruments were tweaked to reduce the release and make them more in line with other GM soundfonts.

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Lil'Sness - An Original SNES-like Soundfont (160+ Samples)

by ASmolBoy

Uploaded on Apr 20, 2022 (and last updated on Dec 30, 2023)

Click on "More Info..." to check out some awesome demo songs made in this soundfont! What is this? Lil'Sness is an original SNES-like soundfont, meaning no samples were taken from any existing SNES games. Each sample was recorded and processed within the constraints of the SNES's sound hardware to make them as authentic-sounding as possible. Most samples were taken from 80s and 90s sound libraries, much like programmers/composers did back in the day. It contains over 1...

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Public small Work in the Public Domain
Extra considerations: (Click on "More Info..." for actual license, none of the choices provided fitted my needs.)

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Mario Kart: Super Circuit Soundfont

by Rosetta

Uploaded on Apr 29, 2020 (and last updated on Mar 04, 2022)

You can use this with anything that supports the sf2 sound font file format. Previously, I had used another tool to rip this but I decided to do it again with a better tool called gba mus ripper. The samples came directly from the game's ROM.

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Mischief Makers soundfont

by HandlebarOrionX

Uploaded on Jun 14, 2021

Much like the Bomberman 64 The Second Attack soundfont, some instruments play pretty quietly on fruity soundfont player regardless of how I tried to alter the volume in Awave Studio but none the less this is a unique one from a superb game.

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soundfont (13) videogame (6) nintendo (13)

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sf2 (12)