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Valiant Violin v2 GM

by Giovanni Valentino with Mike77154

Uploaded on Oct 30, 2021 (and last updated on Oct 30, 2021)

this is a remake of the original soundfont, but now optimized, properly looped and size reduced, original samples

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This is cool!
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Daindune’s MIDI Pack

by Daindune

Uploaded on Jun 02, 2023 (and last updated on Jun 02, 2023)

This is a pack of MIDI songs that I made. You can use them for your videos, SoundFont demos, etc. Song names Airship Jazz - a jazzy version of the Mario Airship Theme, Kids with Dreams - an mallet and kalimba tropical version of 8-Bit Kids With Dreams, Funky Tropics - a groovy Tropical and Jazz-Funk song. Party Pop - a 70s Funky dance party song, Restaurant Shuffle - a Jazz-Pop Fusion restaurant song, Massive Bossanova - a cool sounding bossanova song Waltz And Shallow - a...

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