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Script for drawing outline of Stick Quintar

by Hans Bezemer

Uploaded on Sep 30, 2015 (and last updated on Dec 30, 2015)

You can design your own stick Quintar with this script. Alter it to your liking in a simple text editor. Download FreeCad and paste this script in the Python Console (View-->Views-->Python Console). You can find more info on building your own Quintar here. You can check this and this link for more background info. Demo A short clip of the low Z pickup, showcasing the low end of the Quintar. The clip was recorded directly without any effect or what so ever. While ...

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2019: v2.0 (new) what's new: -over 50 instruments to use! directly extracted. -new drums and instruments were added! -loop points fixed -now the whole soundfont is in GM/GS!

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MT32 (CM64-L / LAPC-1) Hedsound [GM remap]

by Ziya Mete Demircan & hakerg

Uploaded on Jul 01, 2019 (and last updated on Jul 01, 2019)

This is a GM-compatible version of the soundfont available here:

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(Found From Polyphone) Guitar is an Ibanez RG350EX with a Seymour Duncan bridge pickup instead of the original one. Strings are Ibanez super light gauge nickel wound (.009/.011/.016/.024/.032/.042). All strings are tuned one half tone down (e.g. e strings on d#). A capo was used to hold down the strings on the respective frets. All non-picked strings and the springs of the tremolo were dampened with some tissue, making the recordings as dry as possible. The guitar was re...

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Dont have nexus2 or nexus3? And you want to try their presets? Now here's some of our nexus collection Our collection are bunch Christmas expansions And we one to share them to everyone But how will I import the expansion? Well its and .wav file our team record sounds on nexus and make it to .wav files you dont need nexus to load it. You only need to download an any audio sampler and import the sounds! Credits: Kine.P -File arranger Ninja_93 -The guy who changed the fil...

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NoteMapper microtonal scales

by Omega9

Uploaded on Dec 20, 2021 (and last updated on Dec 20, 2021)

NoteMapper scales are used to remap your MIDI-controller to play microtonal scales Scales.txt locates in C:/Users/[Username]/My Documents/CodeFN42/NoteMapper/ and contain scales in such format: Chromatic;0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 Major;0,2,4,5,7,9,11 Minor - Natural;0,2,3,5,7,8,10 Minor - Melodic;0,2,3,5,7,9,11 Minor - Harmonic;0,2,3,5,7,8,11 Pentatonic - Major;0,2,4,7,9 Pentatonic - Minor;0,3,5,7,10 Blues;0,3,5,6,7,10 Since version 1.02 you can set a note where patte...

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