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Shawty Redd/D. Rich/Lex Luger Style Trap Brass

by Nonhuman

Uploaded on Jul 07, 2020 (and last updated on Jul 07, 2020)

Mid 2000's-Early 2010's Trap Style Brass instrument made with multiple soundfonts and KORG M1, has a similar feel to the music in the multimedia links. Has slight looping issues but prolly won't be that noticable in a mix.

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This is cool!
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ColomboGMGS2 SoundFont v.14.5

by Duwindu Tharinda

Uploaded on Jul 06, 2020 (and last updated on Apr 13, 2024)

Bundled with a Cakewalk SONAR Instrument definitions List and a special layout (skin) file for VanBasco player! CHANGELOG: A rather successful Multi-Standard emulation project registered for the very first time from Sri Lanka. Aiming to sound cool with the Greatest possible number of instruments plus premiering new voices, (But, Yamaha XG, MMA GM2 and sometimes Roland GS make use of Variation Banks ac...

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