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Forzee Stereo Drumkit

by Vladimir Sadovnikov, Alexander Belokurov

Uploaded on Jul 04, 2016 (and last updated on Jul 04, 2016)

This drumkit includes: TAMA Superstar Drum set (Kick, Tom Low, Tom Mid, Tom High) Pearl Snare, Tambourine, Agogo Paiste Cymbals Custom Ride (Hand-made tuning) All drums were recorded with 4 microphones: Kick drum: Shure BETA 52 A, Shure SM 57, 2 x MXL 606 All others: 2 x Shure SM 57, 2 x MXL 606 All recorded data combined into stereo tracks. No equalization was applied for better use. Please enjoy them and visit for contacts.

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