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Vintage Dreams Waves v 2.0 Soundfont

by Ian Wilson

Uploaded on Jan 19, 2016 (and last updated on Jan 31, 2016)

A huge collection of 128 instruments and 8 drumkits created by Ian Wilson. The instrument sounds include emulations of Yamaha DX-7 and TX81Z, Roland D-50 and Casio VL-1 as well as a lot of other analog / vintage / synthetic sounds. The drumkits emulated are Roland TR808, TR909 and CR-78, dnaloR TR-101 (Imaginary Roland :-) ), Analog (Lots of Depeche, Yazoo stuff here), Electronic (Small cheesy kit) and Kraftwerk (Small set of blippy drums). Ian Wilson spent about a y...

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All Rights Reserved to Ian Wilson

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