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Casio CTK-230 SoundFont

by Dekyo Ongen

Uploaded on Jun 12, 2018 (and last updated on Dec 02, 2020)

This is a SoundFont of my Casio CTK-230. Months ago I started to make this SoundFont, only the piano presets. But on June 9 I started to continue it, and finally I completed it. I have sampled and also recreated the loop points in each sample, to save space and prevent this SoundFont from being large. There are some presets that I have not recreated because the envelopes that were used for those presets are not possible using the parameters that the SoundFont 2.1 format o...

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CalculatorSF GM

by stgiga, sleaf, Marcel J. Therrien, JS121, evnchn, [nowanonymous]

Uploaded on Apr 26, 2023 (and last updated on Apr 17, 2024)

Ask and you shall receive: A GM SoundFont by me, stgiga, of those musical calculators that was turned into an incomplete and non-GM SoundFont by evnchn on Github, but now including a drumkit (the Controller Click from Marcel J. Therrien's Gamer's Orchestra to represent calculator keypresses), and SFX (Pencil from JS121's SFX, to fit the math theme.) sleaf (maker of the old DSoundFont Ultimate and its much better successors Enchant! and ETERNAL!) helped fix the balance, whi...

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FPD 2.6 "PCMV2"

by Dekyo Ongen

Uploaded on May 18, 2020 (and last updated on Aug 18, 2020)

A SoundFont of FPD97/98's predecessor, FPD (Frostforest PCM Driver). This is a SoundFont made with the PCM tone waveform data found in the multiple PCM driver FPD for NEC PC-98 computers. They also are used in the first FPD port for Windows 95, called FPD95. New versions (from FPD97 onwards) use a different PCM sound set for MIDI and RCP playback, but the old sound set is still present. It has 128 presets and 1 drumkit.I made it because someone requested it. Keep in mind t...

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Used with app...

awave studio (3) polyphone (3) synthfont (3) synthfont viena (3)

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sf2 (3)