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ColomboGMGS2 Percussion+SFX Pack

by W. Duwindu Tharinda Perera

Uploaded on Nov 04, 2023 (and last updated on Apr 04, 2024)

Mainly enhances percussion and SFX, addressing common dissonant note/inconsistant beat issues found in the majority of conventional GM/GS soundfonts while staying atop them (in the presence of multi-soundfont support).

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ColomboGMGS2 Soundfont v7.1 (SF2) [2020-08-22]

by W. Duwindu Tharinda Perera

Uploaded on Oct 13, 2023 (and last updated on Apr 10, 2024)

Now I know that, while staying on the loop, you miss the sharp, crisp, punchy sound my soundfont used to offer, staying in a LOWER file size. Now I know that you prefer the way it was. That's what you LOVE. Guess what? IT IS BACK!

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Apollo GMGS v1.051 (3.89 GiB GM+GS soundfont)

by Caed

Uploaded on Jul 10, 2023 (and last updated on Apr 04, 2024)

It is recommended that you upgrade to v1.10, that features a bunch of fixes such as balancing. This soundfont has been renamed from "Caed's Ultimate Adequate GM" to "Apollo GMGS". I've spent almost 2 months making this version and making a bunch of well changes to this soundfont to achieve a better MIDI listening experience. I've removed many sounds from CrisisGeneralMidi3.01 and other bland samples and such and made this sound...

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Licensing Gray Area
These files have an unknown license, were obtained from unkown sources or were compiled from third party material.
Extra considerations: This soundfont uses a bunch of material, so PLEASE read the notice that was left in the archive and please email me if there is anything wrong with the soundfont, and action will be taken accordingly.

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Over the past few months, I've been working on this GM soundfont that has 147 presets that is 3.96 GiB/4.27 GB. I will add more presets soon thoughout the development process, with are things like GS, XG, MT, and other presets soon, but they in separate soundfonts since Polyphone will corrupt the soundfont after it reaches 4.3 GB. This could be one of the top 10 largest soundfont in MIDI history, as the creator of the Dsoundfont series has created a successor to Dsoundfont...

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Various Licenses
These files are made available through a mix of different licenses. Read the description, more info links, file contents or contact the author in order to get the full information.
Extra considerations: This soundfont has a bunch of content from various soundfont authors. If there is a problem with copyrights and things, PLEASE download the archive and see the notice I have left in it.

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Korg X5 Drums (SF2)

by W. Duwindu Tharinda Perera

Uploaded on Mar 08, 2023 (and last updated on Mar 08, 2023)

Props to BrianFan The Hedgehog for suggesting me this! Just like the JV-1080 Drums, this soundfont also is a compilation from some other set of samples. Maybe it's some Room ambiance or a mysterious DSP Reverb or EQ left applied while the source samples were being recorded (before the author uploaded it to the relevant website) they doesn't sound perfectly neutral for me. It's up to you to decide whether or not apply an EQ treatment here. I'm more of a Rola...

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Roland JV-1080 Drums (SF2)

by W. Duwindu Tharinda Perera

Uploaded on Mar 07, 2023 (and last updated on Mar 08, 2023)

This includes samples mainly sourced from this webpage; Other than that, a few samples from Thomas K's Roland JV-1010 (Volume Fixed), Roland SC-55 by EmperorGriefus, and ColomboGMGS2 was used to cover up some parts that weren't covered by the aforementioned webpage. Assembled to be GM-Compatible, and I was able to finalize it within a single day. Changelog: 3/7/2023 15:04 GMT - Added SFX, Ethnic (88), Asia (88) and CM32/64 kits, ...

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