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by TheHartCorei5

Uploaded on Feb 04, 2021 (and last updated on Feb 10, 2021)

You can use this SF2 in your videos, Don't need to credit, but please if you want say something like "SoundFont: HartcorWaveSynth" in description of video.

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By small Creative Commons BY 3.0 Unported
Extra considerations: You can use this SF2 in your videos, Don't need to credit, but please if you want say something like "SoundFont: HartcorWaveSynth" in description of video.You can use this SF2 in your videos, Don't need to credit, but please if you want say something like "SoundFont: HartcorWaveSynth" in description of video.

This is cool!
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Colombo MT-32 SoundFont (sfpack)

by Duwindu Tharinda

Uploaded on Feb 27, 2021 (and last updated on Dec 22, 2021)

This is a sort of totally edited version of "Phoenix MT-32" with most of the well known presets having replaced with my ColomboGMGS2 SoundFont. More fixes would be coming out later.

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SinFon36Plus Upgrade

by Duwindu Tharinda

Uploaded on Mar 16, 2022 (and last updated on Mar 17, 2022)

I found this strictly GM only soundfont from an app called "Android Practice Player" or something. It had some not so good choir and synth tones thus I thought on upgrading it as well as putting the other standard drumkits such as "Room", "Power" "Jazz", "Brush", "Simmons" and such, and some ethnic touch with SC-8820 Ethnic and Asia kits

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This is cool!
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Vtech ROMS from 2015 (lil smart top)

by Fireninja712

Uploaded on Dec 25, 2022 (and last updated on Jan 22, 2023)

I remember the soundfont from the Lil' smart top toy, I also had this toy for 7 years. So I decided to turn it into a soundfont, Those ROMS were from 2015. And created it with Polyphone. So enjoy the old good soundfont! (it has 2 instruments because i cant find any more samples, sorry.) Update 1: First one is broken, but you can fill the rest of the roms in, The 2nd one is finished. Update 2: Found all the samples in the USB's rom. And soundfont is fixed. Update 3: C4, ...

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Wtfpl small Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License 2.0
Extra considerations: No need to credit me

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