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by Retro Player

Uploaded on May 21, 2023 (and last updated on Jun 10, 2023)

Some of Sonic 1, 2, 3&K, and 3D Blast's instruments packaged into a soundfont Update v1.1: Slight Drum Rearranging Update v1.2: "Polished" Sonic 3&K Drum and Orchestra Hit Samples Update v1.3: Added Woodblock-Breath Noise, New alternate version with DAC Samples from other Genesis games.

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My NES Soundfont

by Me, Retro Player

Uploaded on Jul 19, 2022 (and last updated on Jul 21, 2022)

This is my version of an NES Soundfont. There is 32 samples, 21 instruments, and 117 presets. (including a drumkit) If you would like to use this in SRB2, copy the soundfont to a folder, and then type the folder/filename (ex. sf2/NES.sf2) in the fluidsynth soundfont box. This was all made using JummBox and Polyphone. The ZIP also includes all the samples. (Although i copied the drums from my older NES Soundfont)

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