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by レトロ人参

Uploaded on Jul 21, 2020 (and last updated on Jul 23, 2020)

Using raw samples from the Roland S50 and Korg M1, I was able to successfully recreate the Mega Man X Soundfont. This soundfont also includes the Distortion Guitar from the Roland U-220, used in X2. [EDIT] I noticed that a lot of the instruments weren't looping properly, and the Synth Lead 1 had a huge gap at the beginning. The bug has now been fixed.

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This is cool!
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Ballz 3D (SNES)

by Veninator1207

Uploaded on Feb 10, 2020

Here's a soundfont containing all instrument samples used for every piece of music in-game from an SNES port of an awful fighting game.

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