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Super Putty (SNES) Soundfont and WAV Samples

by Darko747

Uploaded on Oct 29, 2023 (and last updated on Apr 04, 2024)

Theres one sound i tried to recreate, which is the Square wave from Twilight Zone named "My attempt" and not sure if the "I Can't name this" is sound of the level All Sounds ripped with SNESSOR95, edited with Edison on Fl studio i hope you enjoy it :) Super Putty is made by "System 3 Software Ltd" the composer of the game is Unknown

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By small Creative Commons BY 3.0 Unported
Extra considerations: Super Putty is made by "System 3 Software Ltd"

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by Isis999

Uploaded on Oct 20, 2016 (and last updated on Sep 22, 2019)

My own recording of a small balafon. - The instrument is traditionnaly made and comes from the Bobo-Dioulasso region, SW of Burkina Faso - Recorded at home with a Rode NTG3 -> Scarlett 2i4 soundcart -> Ardour on LibraZiK - Natural sounds, no effects at all - Pentatonic scale, C3 to E5 - FF and MF - 48kHz, 32 bits - soundfont and samples available - soundfont made with Swami - WTFPL

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