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Alesis Drum Module 4 SoundFont

by VentusArranger

Uploaded on Mar 02, 2024

I present to you the new soundfont on which I have spent the entire afternoon carefully implementing the samples, as well as ensuring that the programs are compatible with most tablatures. Moreover, I've adjusted the Release settings to eliminate abrupt sound cuts. However, I must mention that this soundfont is still incomplete. From the beginning, my intention was to also include the Alesis DM5 module, but there are unused samples. Therefore, this soundfont is available f...

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The soundfont was sampled using some websites/web apps that offer an animated drumset with different arrangements of key controls to play the kick, hats, snare, toms and cymbals. I'm so slow to adapt these custom maps, so I decided to slap the samples to the classic GM/GS drum map and finally layered the rest of percussion. Not only that but also I added a missing China cymbal from Milton Paredes' Just T4, which kinda fits neat with it.

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HiDef (my 4GiB Roland SC-88Pro SoundFont)

by stgiga, et. al. (check my Weebly)

Uploaded on Dec 05, 2022 (and last updated on Oct 20, 2023)

I'm stgiga, and here's my 4GiB Roland SC-88Pro soundfont from my Weebly but in a better place. This SF2 was made when I was, in essence, a 15-16yo trans girl (I'm now nonbinary, 21yo, and use they/them). It even supports the XG mode. It was designed to be compatible with the vast majority of MIDI files, including exotic ones that used the 88Pro, especially Japanese MIDIs. I made it in 2018 when I was fed up with broken MIDIs. It was a pain to make and often involved using ...

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SONiVOX EAS Drum kits Wavetable Ver. 1.72

by Sonic Network Inc.

Uploaded on Dec 12, 2021 (and last updated on Feb 12, 2023)

SONiVOX EAS Version 1.72 without melodic SONiVOX EAS Version 1.72 Editing Software: Synthfont Viena Source: Firmware Copy a Soundfont drums172kG.sf2 from in 5.25 Floppy Disk 360K, 1.2MB or 3.5 Floppy Disk 720K, 1.44MB. Assembled of Indonesia. Using a Melodic OPL Synthesizer in Sound Blaster 16. Or download another melodic soundfont, Recording an Audio Samsung GT-E118x, GT-E119x, GT-E120x, and arm-hybrid-22khz (no reverb and chorus). Using software Polyphone, or etc. Re...

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SONiVOX EAS Drum kits Wavetable Ver. 1.71

by Sonic Network Inc.

Uploaded on Mar 04, 2020 (and last updated on Feb 12, 2023)

SONiVOX EAS Version 1.71 without melodic SONiVOX EAS Version 1.71 Editing Software: Synthfont Viena Source: Firmware Copy a Soundfont drums171kG.sf2 from in 5.25 Floppy Disk 360K, 1.2MB or 3.5 Floppy Disk 720K, 1.44MB. Assembled of Indonesia. Using a Melodic OPL Synthesizer in Sound Blaster 16. Or download another melodic soundfont, Recording an Audio Samsung GT-E118x, GT-E119x, GT-E120x, and arm-hybrid-22khz (no reverb and chorus). Using software Polyphone, or etc. Re...

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