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nintendo 64
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Donkey Kong 64

by GlitchGlider

Uploaded on Sep 13, 2023 (and last updated on Sep 15, 2023)

The DK64 Font but structured for importing midis into the game, not structured as a standard font library. This font include extra parity to how a midi sounds when imported into the game. Extracting the font with n64 soundbank tool has these problems: no names :( incorrect root pitches on some instruments missing n64 sample playback limitation/highest notes on each instrument minor wrong adsr on some instruments missing vibrato on some instruments Last note is that D...

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These files have an unknown license, were obtained from unkown sources or were compiled from third party material.

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microGM (1.96MB - 2.73MB)

by michael

Uploaded on Dec 07, 2022 (and last updated on Apr 05, 2024)

Smallest and complete soundfont I made. Most GM patches here are unique. Supports GS drum sets but not presets.This SF2 is meant to be used by tiny devices, very Beatnik inspired, since i wanted a SF2 that could be used for ringtones without sounding off. This SF2 doesn't use any fancy features by the format, so it is very plain in that aspect.The sample rate of the samples oscillates between 8000 and 16kHz (22kHz for percussion with high frequencies). The recommended in...

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ClayFighter 63⅓ is a 1997 fighting game by Interplay Productions and the third installment in the ClayFighter series. Despite the rather mixed opinions on the game, I believe the instruments and the music in this game is just amazing. Note that this is only 63⅓ and has no instruments or samples from the updated Sculpter's Cut version. Samples ripped with N64 Soundlist. There are duplicate instruments to satisfy those who love GM.

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Blue Twirler's Pokémon Snap Soundfont

by BlueTwirler

Uploaded on Jul 14, 2022 (and last updated on Jul 14, 2022)

Inspired By Pablo Corner's SM64 Soundfont. It's Time For Pokémon Snap Soundfont Everyone, With GM Compatible! My Channel:

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These files have an unknown license, were obtained from unkown sources or were compiled from third party material.

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Jal Tarang

by Yntec

Uploaded on Mar 30, 2022 (and last updated on Mar 31, 2022)

Literally, jal tarang means 'waves in water', but it indicates motion of sound created or modified with the aid of water. Among wave-instruments, it is the most prominent and ancient. It was created with samples from JR_vibra, General User's vibraphone (for the lower notes), Pokemon Black & White 2 and Pokemon Stadium. Enjoy!

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The Ultimate Kirby Soundfont

by Youmu Konpaku

Uploaded on Jan 25, 2022 (and last updated on Apr 05, 2024)

This SoundFont takes instruments from various Kirby games to make a mostly complete SoundFont! Like my Earthbound SoundFont, not only is the SoundFont GM compatible, it also contains a lot more instruments than the standard 127! The SoundFont included here only contains the melodic instruments. To have the drums as well, you'll need to get the Drumkits Soundfont through the Google Drive link.

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