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ColomboGMGS2 Percussion+SFX Pack

by W. Duwindu Tharinda Perera

Uploaded on Nov 04, 2023 (and last updated on Apr 04, 2024)

Mainly enhances percussion and SFX, addressing common dissonant note/inconsistant beat issues found in the majority of conventional GM/GS soundfonts while staying atop them (in the presence of multi-soundfont support).

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ColomboGMGS2 Soundfont v7.1 (SF2) [2020-08-22]

by W. Duwindu Tharinda Perera

Uploaded on Oct 13, 2023 (and last updated on Apr 10, 2024)

Now I know that, while staying on the loop, you miss the sharp, crisp, punchy sound my soundfont used to offer, staying in a LOWER file size. Now I know that you prefer the way it was. That's what you LOVE. Guess what? IT IS BACK!

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by Zalka

Uploaded on Feb 02, 2023 (and last updated on Apr 04, 2024)

NVM THIS IS THE FINAL UPDATE: New Instruments and Instrument Replacements ZFont is a soundfont created April 4th, 2021 with it first starting out as a way to learn how to use Viena64 which ended up turning into a soundfont which I would work on for the next 2 years until now, where I decided to upload on to this website. ZFont has some GS and XG Support, contains 3617 Samples, 479 Instruments and 421 Presets, all coming from different soundfonts, games, sample libaraies ...

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HiDef (my 4GiB Roland SC-88Pro SoundFont)

by stgiga, et. al. (check my Weebly)

Uploaded on Dec 05, 2022 (and last updated on Oct 20, 2023)

I'm stgiga, and here's my 4GiB Roland SC-88Pro soundfont from my Weebly but in a better place. This SF2 was made when I was, in essence, a 15-16yo trans girl (I'm now nonbinary, 21yo, and use they/them). It even supports the XG mode. It was designed to be compatible with the vast majority of MIDI files, including exotic ones that used the 88Pro, especially Japanese MIDIs. I made it in 2018 when I was fed up with broken MIDIs. It was a pain to make and often involved using ...

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SgtPepperArc360 XG (The Mystery Soundfont)

by David "SgtPepperArc360" Egan - SPA360

Uploaded on Sep 15, 2022 (and last updated on Sep 16, 2022) The official soundfont of SgtPepperArc360! Here, you'll find sounds that I use in my music, including those from my custom VST patches. Some sounds were recycled from other synthesizers like the Yamaha DGX-205 and my Roland JD-Xi, as well as other soundfonts like Earthbound, CTK (Casio), BREW (Qualcomm), Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Nintendo), and more. Upon recording samples, some of them sounded out of tune, so I used Melodyne to correct the pit...

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By small Creative Commons BY 3.0 Unported
Extra considerations: SgtPepperArc360 Headquarters 2022, All Rights Reserved.

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Yamaha XG Soundset

by Duwindu Tharinda

Uploaded on Jun 04, 2021

I just found this from a site named As an sf2 file, this has such a speciality that my Polyphone SoundFont editor can't specify the actual instrument preset numbers since those are located in LSB Slots rather than traditional MSB slots in Roland GS Architecture. The major downside is though, those presets don't work even though a MIDI file contain CC#32 messages on it in such cases like Coolsoft VirtualMIDISynth and even in Falcosoft player. I tried to enhance...

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