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Casio CTK-230 SoundFont

by Dekyo Ongen

Uploaded on Jun 12, 2018 (and last updated on Dec 02, 2020)

This is a SoundFont of my Casio CTK-230. Months ago I started to make this SoundFont, only the piano presets. But on June 9 I started to continue it, and finally I completed it. I have sampled and also recreated the loop points in each sample, to save space and prevent this SoundFont from being large. There are some presets that I have not recreated because the envelopes that were used for those presets are not possible using the parameters that the SoundFont 2.1 format o...

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LG G5400 SoundFont (aka Casio Mobile, OKI ML2870)

by © OKI, Casio, 2003;

Uploaded on Dec 31, 2023 (and last updated on Jan 26, 2024)

fully restored soundfont on the base OKI ML2870 from the old phone LG C1400/G5400/G7100 and PANTECH G200 and OLD Philips phones (favorite phones of childhood, and we thought it sounded like on the computer - Roland). now sounds about 90% accurate (For those who don't understand, I'll add here: this soundfont is a REPLICA of several others, similar in sound.)

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