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I, stgiga, made this layered mashup of the Yamaha Tyros 4 fixed Soundfont by Milton Paredes (which was fixed by RolandKnight) and the JV-1010 Soundfont. This results in a layered GM bank with snazzy timbre and it sounds really really good with many MIDIs. The acoustic guitar is really realistic, among others. I hope that you enjoy this! No quality was sacrificed during the making of this. A second link is here:

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Licensing Gray Area
These files have an unknown license, were obtained from unkown sources or were compiled from third party material.
Extra considerations: This is a mashup.

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Piano ∞ Soundfont

by Asher Bensamuel

Uploaded on Apr 18, 2022 (and last updated on Apr 18, 2022)

This is my first soundfont, which was made from WAV files taken from an old version of an iPhone app called Piano Infinity. It has five keyboard instruments, which are supposed to be a grand piano, a pub (honky-tonk) piano, a harpsichord, an electronic piano, and an organ. The first four sound very similar to each other, while the organ has a very different sound. The developer of that app has replaced the pub piano with a glockenspiel, while making the other instruments s...

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Licensing Gray Area
These files have an unknown license, were obtained from unkown sources or were compiled from third party material.
Extra considerations: Do not use this soundfont for profit, because it came from an app that once cost $5. Though is now free, it still profits from subscriptions. Credit goes to Mr. Daniel Perez and his company for giving me childhood memories with it, and glory to God.

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Campbell's Harpsichord (Double Manual) Hedsound Version; sf2 and sf3 soundfonts.

by Ziya Mete Demircan

Uploaded on Jun 13, 2019 (and last updated on Jun 14, 2019)

Double Manual, Long samples Harpsichord Soundfont. 20 presets! (all presets are new! and Made by me) Panorama Patches: The panoramic effect is adjusted to how the player heard when playing the Harpsichord; Main Upper and Lute Patches: 8' Una-Corda Patches: Single string stoppers; Main and Upper Patches: 16', 8', 4'; Lute Patch: 8' Coupled Patches: 2 stoppers mixed; Main and Upper Patches: 16', 8', 4' Full Patches: All 3 Stoppers; Main and Upper Patches: ...

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Musical Artifacts is an open source web app helping musicians to find, share and preserve the artifacts they use for music production. It's worked on by volunteers in their free time.
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Used with app...

fluidsynth (3) musescore (3)

With format...

sf2 (3)