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StarEevee SoundFont

by Renderite

Uploaded on Feb 28, 2023 (and last updated on Feb 28, 2023)

Here's my second sound font that I have made from the Animation YouTuber known as StarEevee! I myself am a fan of her and thus have decided to make this! Vocals were ripped from her videos, took a while to get these decent ones.

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Eevee Soundfont (2.5)

by Renderite

Uploaded on Jan 20, 2022 (and last updated on Jan 23, 2022)

I wasn't exactly satisfied with how the older version sounded so I tried to remake it. This new one is not that good, but you can download it if you want. I wouldn't exactly say it's a 2.0, more of a second option. Old or new, whatever you want. Vocals ripped and edited from Let's Go Eevee. Also, I only fixed the "Ehh" vocals of Eevee, so they don't sound so A.G.O.T.I-ish. I'm not sure what else is wrong or if everything's fine.

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Pokemon HeartGold & SoulSilver Soundfont

by OfficialBrandix

Uploaded on May 28, 2021 (and last updated on May 28, 2021)

A Soundfont containing instruments from Pokemon HGSS. Samples ripped from the game using VGMTrans. (Note: The Preset, "Drumkit GM" isn't really complete, but I won't continue finishing it tho)

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