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Violin (SFZ)

by Lithalean

Uploaded on Jan 21, 2019 (and last updated on Mar 27, 2020)

Sample #: 306 Sample Rate: 44,100 Bits Per Sample: 24 Uncompressed Size: 687.5mb The violin, also known informally as a fiddle, is a wooden string instrument in the violin family. Most violins have a hollow wooden body. It is the smallest and highest-pitched instrument in the family in regular use. Smaller violin-type instruments exist, including the violino piccolo and the kit violin, but these are virtually unused. The violin typically has four strings tuned in perfect ...

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These files have an unknown license, were obtained from unkown sources or were compiled from third party material.

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Valiant Violin v2 GM

by Giovanni Valentino with Mike77154

Uploaded on Oct 30, 2021 (and last updated on Oct 30, 2021)

this is a remake of the original soundfont, but now optimized, properly looped and size reduced, original samples

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toy violin 1.0, sfz version

by Milton Paredes, MPJ Factory studios

Uploaded on Jun 22, 2020 (and last updated on Jun 22, 2020)

i sampled my toy violin, here is the sfz version, check the rreed me file for more info.

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Cc sample small Creative Commons Sampling+ 1.0
Extra considerations: copyright 2020 mpj Factory studios, Quito, ecuador

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Toy Keyboard Soundfont 2.0

by That Animatronic Person

Uploaded on Feb 09, 2023 (and last updated on Jan 20, 2024)

I decided to remake my first soundfont since the other one wasn't really that good lol. This version includes stuff from the other one that I missed. I also fixed the noise in the background and the piano sounds better. This was made by audio ripping an old toy keyboard I had laying around. I then took all the samples and composed them into a soundfont. If you're wondering what the exact keyboard I used is, its an FI-1264

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These files have an unknown license, were obtained from unkown sources or were compiled from third party material.

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Sonatina Symphonic Orchestra

by Mattias Westlund

Uploaded on Aug 10, 2015 (and last updated on Dec 28, 2015)

Sonatina Symphonic Orchestra is a free orchestral sample library. While not as advanced or ambitious in scope as commercial offerings, SSO contains all the basic building blocks for creating real virtual orchestrations. It's primarily aimed at beginners, but also more experienced composers looking for something lightweight and/or portable might find it useful.

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violin (11)

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fantasia (9) fluidsynth (7) linuxsampler (11) qsampler (9) qsynth (6)

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sf2 (7) sfz (3) zip (3)