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Melodic Cuica Soundfont

by Sizz Tuna

Uploaded on Jul 04, 2023 (and last updated on Jul 05, 2023)

A melodic cuica soundfont created to help somebody out with a Checker Dance arrangement. Made by pitching the mute cuica sound from the Musescore 3 general soundfont up and down in Audacity, and then stitching the samples together in Polyphone.

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By sa small Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 International
Extra considerations: I'm not the best at reading legal jargon, but the gist I'm going for is that if you create and upload a modified version of this soundfont, it must also be free for people to use and you must reference back to this one as the original. If you wanna use this soundfont in any music projects, however, you're free to do so without any attribution to me, and can copyright your music however you'd like.

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Roland JV-1080 Drums (SF2)

by W. Duwindu Tharinda Perera

Uploaded on Mar 07, 2023 (and last updated on Mar 08, 2023)

This includes samples mainly sourced from this webpage; Other than that, a few samples from Thomas K's Roland JV-1010 (Volume Fixed), Roland SC-55 by EmperorGriefus, and ColomboGMGS2 was used to cover up some parts that weren't covered by the aforementioned webpage. Assembled to be GM-Compatible, and I was able to finalize it within a single day. Changelog: 3/7/2023 15:04 GMT - Added SFX, Ethnic (88), Asia (88) and CM32/64 kits, ...

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911115n Percussion Kit

by Omega9

Uploaded on Sep 06, 2015 (and last updated on Dec 20, 2021)

Scrap percussion kit in SFZ format. It is raw, no processing were made. 911115n Percussion Kit [FLAC] - 24.8MB 911115n Percussion Kit [WAV] - 41.1 MB

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