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The Grandfather's Clock

by Soni Musicae

Uploaded on Aug 24, 2015 (and last updated on Aug 25, 2015)

This little soundbank gives you the grandfather's clock you ever dreamt of, and its true original tick-tack you need for suspense purpose. This clock has a special deep and heavy sound. The sounds are organized on the keyboard as follows : B2 : looped tick-tack as long as you press the key. C3 to B3 : All the strokes from 1 to 12, 1 hour on C and 12 on B, with the noise of mechanism. C4 to B4 : almost the same thing, but without the noise of mechanism. VST Version:...

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All Rights Reserved to Soni Musicae
Extra considerations: Before you download the soundbank, please read the license and conditions of use

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