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The Red Zeppelin Drumkit

by The AVLinux Team

Uploaded on Feb 12, 2016 (and last updated on Feb 12, 2016)

Ludwig Centennial Series (Zep Shell Pack) 26x14" Kick 16x16", 18x16" Floor Toms, 14x10" Tom 14x6.5" Porkpie Maple Zebrawood/Rosewood Snare 10" Zildjian A Splash 17" Zildjian K Hybrid Crash 20" Zildjian A Custom Crash 24" Zildjian A Medium Ride plus more... Tambourine, Handclaps, Cowbell, RotoToms SFZ version here: AVL Drumkits are a free GPL collection of sampled drum sound libraries in various formats recorded...

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The Black Pearl Drumkit

by The AVLinux Team

Uploaded on Oct 01, 2015 (and last updated on Feb 12, 2016)

Pearl DX Professional Series 22x20" Kick 16x16" Floor Tom, 12x9",13x10" Toms 14x7" DX Pro Pearl Snare with 2-ply Evans batter head *Alt and 5pc. kits have 1-ply Remo Ambassador batter head 14" Sabian AA Rock Hats 10" Zildjian A Splash 16" Sabian AA Medium Thin Crash 17" Sabian AAXplosion Crash 20" Sabian AAXplosion Ride + more... Tambourine, Handclaps, Cowbell, RotoToms SFZ version here: AVL Drumkits are a fre...

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Red Rokkit Drumkit

by stratotak

Uploaded on Feb 12, 2016 (and last updated on Feb 14, 2016)

Multilayered kit from various free samples I found on net.

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Amen Break Beat for Hydrogen

by Brian the Lion

Uploaded on Mar 03, 2017 (and last updated on Mar 03, 2017)

The "Amen Break" is a 6 second drum beat which was originally played by Gregory Sylvester Coleman in the song "Amen Brother" by "The Winstons" in 1969. It is probably the most popular drumbeat in the world because it is used (and some would say "over-used") in many forms of Hip-hop, Jungle, Rock, Drum and Bass and Breakcore music. The history behind this beat is quite extensive and interesting and is well summarised on Wikipedia at the following link: http://en.wikipedia.o...

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Jazz and Blues Hydrogen Drum Beat Templates

by Brian the Lion

Uploaded on Mar 03, 2017 (and last updated on Mar 03, 2017)

I've been working on another beat template which uses Jazz and Blues rhythms. But I tried something new this time - I noticed that in my beat templates a lot of the beats had similar characteristics and it made things really bulky. So with this template, I've made patterns for both the right and left hands as well as for the right foot (i.e. the kick drum). This means that you are able to make many different beats by just playing any R-hand, L-hand and R-foot combination s...

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Funk Hydrogen Beat Templates

by Brian the Lion

Uploaded on Mar 03, 2017 (and last updated on Mar 03, 2017)

I present you with my second ever beat template which focuses around the funk genre. These beats, however, can be used in most genres such as rock, hip-hop, pop and even metal at times. Once again, I have only used a closed hi-hat for the right-hand rhythm, however it is easy enough to interchange this with whatever suits you, like the ride, open hats, or crash. Just copy the same pattern on the ride, or crash and then delete the notes from the hi-hat. I hope you enjoy c...

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