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Guitarix bass & guitar presets for reggae blues & rock

by stratojaune

Uploaded on Mar 08, 2018 (and last updated on Mar 08, 2018)

Bass sounds are made on a P-bass copy played with thumb (not much attack, so check master volume))) guitar sounds on a Squier Tele bridge mic all buttons up. These presets are intended to be a base to get your sound, all FX are small in the rack and ready to be activated and mixed as you like. Maybe on a second time you'll like to refine the settings using the "enlarge" button.. Have fun :)

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By small Creative Commons BY 4.0 International
Extra considerations: I don't know what is a license, is there a "thank you for share, free as in mind and beer" license that one can use??

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Reggae Rack

by stratojaune

Uploaded on Aug 10, 2015 (and last updated on Feb 14, 2016)

If you play reggae, maybe you can start with that rack and improve it.. made with a Telecaster, most of times bridge mic and all buttons up! hum, you are not supposed to activate all FX at the same time.. have fun!!

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