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Alesis Drum Module 4 SoundFont

by VentusArranger

Uploaded on Mar 02, 2024

I present to you the new soundfont on which I have spent the entire afternoon carefully implementing the samples, as well as ensuring that the programs are compatible with most tablatures. Moreover, I've adjusted the Release settings to eliminate abrupt sound cuts. However, I must mention that this soundfont is still incomplete. From the beginning, my intention was to also include the Alesis DM5 module, but there are unused samples. Therefore, this soundfont is available f...

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mattel toy radio soundfont

by electronic toy fan 2.0

Uploaded on Jul 17, 2022 (and last updated on Jul 17, 2022)

this is a soundfont that was created with mattel radio samples from toys such as the 2000 bluesclues radio, and the 1999 123fm radio. injoi.

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Amen Break Soundfont

by ASmolBoy, VEXST

Uploaded on Jan 14, 2020 (and last updated on Mar 15, 2023)

Found some cool Amen Break samples on and made a soundfont out of them for personal use, but I decided to release it 'cause I like you guys. Samples used in this soundfont are by VEXST:

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By small Creative Commons BY 3.0 Unported
Extra considerations: The license does not apply to the soundfont itself, only the samples. So only attribute VEXST, not me.

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by Isis999

Uploaded on Oct 20, 2016 (and last updated on Sep 22, 2019)

My own recording of a small balafon. - The instrument is traditionnaly made and comes from the Bobo-Dioulasso region, SW of Burkina Faso - Recorded at home with a Rode NTG3 -> Scarlett 2i4 soundcart -> Ardour on LibraZiK - Natural sounds, no effects at all - Pentatonic scale, C3 to E5 - FF and MF - 48kHz, 32 bits - soundfont and samples available - soundfont made with Swami - WTFPL

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soundfont (9) samples (11)

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sf2 (11)