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electronic keyboard
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jRhodes 1977 Mark

by Learjeff

Uploaded on Mar 04, 2021 (and last updated on Mar 04, 2021)

(Uploader Notice: thanks audiobombs for saving these soundfonts!) This is my second soundfont, an improved sampling of my 1977 Rhodes Mark I Stage 73 piano. The follow soundfonts are included: "": Full unlooped soundfont, with 65 samples in 5 velocity layers, sampling at least every 4th white key starting at F1. "": Looped version of the above. "": Looped stereo version. A mild stereo pitch shift doubling chorus...

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Licensing Gray Area
These files have an unknown license, were obtained from unkown sources or were compiled from third party material.
Extra considerations: UNKNOWN LICENCE

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RLNDGM.SF2 for SoundFont-Midi-Player-Android

by Roland

Uploaded on Apr 25, 2019 (and last updated on Sep 16, 2023)

RLNDGM.SF2 for SoundFont MIDI Player Android. 270 instrument presets, and 10 drum kit presets, GM compatible. Roland Sound Canvas. Assets usage: Most of midi used from Only those soundfonts, midi musics are use which had permissive license. However many licenses were hard to find. Musics are remake/remixes and may resemble an OST. In that case please let me know if you have problem with distribution of the musics. I will remove them :/ The assets used w...

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