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The Mario Kart Super Circuit Soundfont (HQ SC-8850 Samples)

by RunTheCoins

Uploaded on Sep 15, 2023 (and last updated on Nov 29, 2023)

Update : Included better drum kit sequencing and more instuments that was missing initally The Mario Kart Super Circuit Soundfont, now as crisp and clean as ever! This soundfont uses all the original source samples from the SC-8850, this took a long time to fully finish so I hope someone here can find use of this lol Thanks Church of Kondo for providing me with the samples needed to make this, your help is very appreciated! For the most part this soundfont is actually co...

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Nintendo Soundfont

by hakerg

Uploaded on Sep 22, 2018 (and last updated on Sep 18, 2019)

This soundfont contains samples from GXSCC, nintendo games and FamiTracker and it sounds pretty good. Supports GS and XG

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fantasia (3) fluidsynth (3) linuxsampler (3) qsampler (3) qsynth (3)

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sf2 (3)