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Aegean Symphonic Orchestra sf2

by Ziya Mete Demircan

Uploaded on Sep 09, 2017 (and last updated on Jun 18, 2021)

"Aegean Symphonic Orchestra" soundfont (sf2) 4.06 (SND) version (June-12-2021) updated: 06-2021 Free Orchestral Soundfont sf2 (LTS) This is the latest stable version of ASO sountfont. This new version is compatible with Musescore's orchestral patches and soundfonts. But it's incompatible with older 3.x and 2.x ASO versions. (The Patch-map is different) What's New (version: SND) 04-2021: MuseScore style Single Note Dynamics (SND) and Expressive Patches. HQ : Separate p...

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By nc small Creative Commons BY-NC 4.0 International
Extra considerations: You DO NOT have permission to "sell", or "repackage and sell" this library in part or in whole .

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Early Woodwinds 0.7 (DEMO)

by L.S Barros

Uploaded on Jan 12, 2024 (and last updated on Jan 15, 2024)

This soundfont is a Early Music, Renaissance and Baroque period Soundfont. It haves instruments from that period. [Currentely] The instruments included are: Cornett (Expressive only), Rackett 1, Rackett 2, Dulcian, Bass Dulcian, Crumhorn 1, Crumhorn 2, Tenor Crumhorn, Oboe da Caccia. Because this is a demo the quality is a bit low, but it will increase in the next versions. The amount of instruments will also grow.

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