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The Aasimonster


Uploaded on Oct 01, 2015 (and last updated on Oct 15, 2015)

Size: 992MB The Aasimonster is a large deathmetal drumkit used to track the “Rise of the Rotten” record by the Danish deathmetal band DIE It contains the following components: 2 kickdrums 3 hanging toms 1 floor tom 2 16” crash cymbals 1 18” china cymbal 2 small china cymbals (Stagg 8” and 10”) 1 Zilbel 1 Ride cymbal. Ardour3 template at Recording setup This drumkit was recorded ...

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by Lars Muldjord

Uploaded on Oct 01, 2015 (and last updated on Oct 01, 2015)

1.5 Gb, compatible with DrumGizmo 0.9.5 and newer “The MuldjordKit is a Tama Superstar drumkit with all the bells and whistles. The samples for this kit was actually recorded all the way back in 2010 when I was recording / playing drums for the Sepulchrum debut album. When recording drums I always sample the kit in case we need a cymbal or a single drum hit here and there to patch up the recordings. It turns out that I sampled it so well that it can be used with DrumGizmo...

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by Drumgizmo team, Jes Eiler, DRSDrums

Uploaded on Oct 01, 2015 (and last updated on Oct 01, 2015)

2.5 Gb, compatible with DrumGizmo 0.9.5 and newer DRSKit came to be as a collaboration between the DrumGizmo team and Jes Eiler of DRSDrums. Jes creates handcrafted drumkits under his own label with an attention to detail not often seen on the market. he kit contains the following components (Left / right placements as seen by the drummer): 1 kickdrum 1 hanging tom 2 floor toms 1 snare 1 hihat: Paiste Formula 602 Medium hi-hat 2 crash cymbals Left: Paiste Giant Bea...

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