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Orgue de Salon (a house organ)

by Soni Musicae

Uploaded on Aug 24, 2015 (and last updated on Aug 24, 2015)

We are pleased to present you the bank of a small house organ, 250 pipes, 5 real stops on two manuals (plus a coupled keyboard), built in 1988. It comes in soundfont and Kontakt 2 versions. If you are a user of Hauptwerk format, go to Soni Musicae / Hauptwerk. At first, we did not want to distribute it, because this is not an extraordinary organ, and it was impossible to avoid a big noise of organ-blower during the recording : as it is a house organ, it stood in a flat, ...

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All Rights Reserved to Soni Musicae
Extra considerations: Before you download the soundbank, please read the licence and conditions of use

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