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HiDef (my 4GiB Roland SC-88Pro SoundFont)

by stgiga, et. al. (check my Weebly)

Uploaded on Dec 05, 2022 (and last updated on Oct 20, 2023)

I'm stgiga, and here's my 4GiB Roland SC-88Pro soundfont from my Weebly but in a better place. This SF2 was made when I was, in essence, a 15-16yo trans girl (I'm now nonbinary, 21yo, and use they/them). It even supports the XG mode. It was designed to be compatible with the vast majority of MIDI files, including exotic ones that used the 88Pro, especially Japanese MIDIs. I made it in 2018 when I was fed up with broken MIDIs. It was a pain to make and often involved using ...

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084.0mg all in one gm v1.1 bank.sf2

by Toru Inahama

Uploaded on Oct 30, 2021 (and last updated on Oct 30, 2021)

and this is one of the last soundfonts that WizzyWhipitWonderful used to play in Fl studio for his classical CPS2 originals, before he moves to use Sample ripping and VGMtrans soundfonts Enjoy the good old days with me, please

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057.9mg ALL In ONE Light GM Bank

by Toru Inahama

Uploaded on Oct 30, 2021 (and last updated on Oct 30, 2021)

I remember this soundfont, on the WizzyWhipitWonderful collection, this is where I learned everything about soundfont parameters

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Used with app...

bassmidi vst (3) fluidsynth (3)

With format...

sf2 (3)