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Mother 1+2 (Game Boy Advance) Soundfont (1.0)

by Wrapped Tomato Soup with Cheese

Uploaded on Dec 23, 2020 (and last updated on Dec 23, 2020)

Here you go! It's finally here! Mother 1+2 soundfont! Yeah, I know it's basically just a copy of Earthbound Soundfont and the Nes Soundfont. But this one has some samples that won't even appear in the original Mother 2! And also, you might find some of the samples in a bit better quality! So I hope this gets in use! Have fun! Plus, I am sorry if the octaves or pitches in some of the presets are kind of off. Been busy lately. Stay safe! -WTSwC DISCLAIMER: Some of the Samp...

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Licensing Gray Area
These files have an unknown license, were obtained from unkown sources or were compiled from third party material.

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Nintendo Soundfont

by hakerg

Uploaded on Sep 22, 2018 (and last updated on Sep 18, 2019)

This soundfont contains samples from GXSCC, nintendo games and FamiTracker and it sounds pretty good. Supports GS and XG

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