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Animal Crossing New Horizons villagers vocal / singing audio

by The Gum

Uploaded on Jul 19, 2020 (and last updated on Jan 16, 2021)

DISCLAIMER: i do not own all the sounds in the soundfont in any way. i just "compiling" them into a single soundfont and sharing it so anyone can use it to make some vocal covers or so...

(Disclaimer updated on 08-08-2020. updated for better clarity)

Quick explanation: The villagers singing is differed into 3 types, boy, girl, and man.

-Boy: As the name implies, all male villagers (except cranky villagers) sing in this vocal

-Girl: All female villagers sing in this vocal, regardless of their personality

-Man: Only cranky villagers sing in this vocal

(be sure to check back some time, i may update the soundfont whenever necessary)


(17-08-2020) (Fixed Man Vocal "Me Low" and "Oh Low" having different sample rate [32000 instead of 48000] | Added "Whistle" Sound. After lengthy considerations, i've decided to add Whistle sound. Villagers may sing in Whistle whenever necessary. It is categorized under bank 3)

(25/08/2020) (Added villager hums. These are personality based, corresponding with the vocal type the villagers use. To my knowledge, they are not meant to be looped, but let me know in the comment if they're actually looped in the game)

(16/01/2021) (Changed all the vocal sounds of boy, girl and man [from key 64 to 60]. This also "fixed" the wrong root key applied on previous samples | Whistle sound and hums do not apply the change, but instead, applied the root key and cent value themselves only)


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Licensing Gray Area
These files have an unknown license, were obtained from unkown sources or were compiled from third party material.
Extra considerations: Animal Crossing (C) Nintendo

File content

  • ACNH_villager_vocal_all_in_one.sf2
    • 000-007 Lazy Hum
    • 000-008 Jock Hum
    • 000-009 Smug Hum
    • 001-007 Normal Hum
    • 001-008 Peppy Hum
    • 001-009 Sisterly Hum
    • 001-010 Snooty Hum
    • 002-007 Cranky Hum
    • 003-000 Whistle

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