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Showing search results for "roland" - page 2
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escaping from los angeles, GM synth section WIP REV 1

by Various Authours, yingchun soul and Mike77154

Uploaded on Mar 05, 2024 (and last updated on Mar 05, 2024)

Well, I'll explain the project to you, this soundfont consists of a total attached and faithful recreation of the most classic sounds of the d50 without using a d50, since it is a public domain project, the purpose is also for it to be a soundfont whose weight is less than 3mb at most in total size, with more than 30 instruments since it is designed to optimize loading times and memory use, as if it were a last deluxe soundblaster card from early 2000, also that it has a c...

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After breaking and breaking my head after several analyzes I discovered that the original calliope is nothing more than the mixture of two fm synthetic settings of a square that sounds combined with a very short flute pan sample combined with the sound of a giant industrial respirator , maybe a big vacuum cleaner o first I dedicated myself to recreating the Panflute attack and then due to the lack of options I simply dumped the Roland D50 respirator, although I would like...

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Various Licenses
These files are made available through a mix of different licenses. Read the description, more info links, file contents or contact the author in order to get the full information.

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This soundfont exists to show you that you don't exactly need a Roland D50 to have the magical sounds of the D50, it comes with two recreated synth groups, basically pure sampled FM synthesis wavetabled parameters of Dexed and simply a staccato trumpet and a staccato trombone with a single sample for each staccato

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well this soundfont exist cuz I want to proof that a Hammond organ is simple to emulate using only sines

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Various Licenses
These files are made available through a mix of different licenses. Read the description, more info links, file contents or contact the author in order to get the full information.

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The best of the soundfonts for GM v2 WIP

by Various Authors, compiled by Mike77154

Uploaded on Feb 24, 2024 (and last updated on Feb 24, 2024)

I'm going to be honest with you Baki, I wasn't one hundred percent sure that in past versions real instruments were used for the samples I had. So I started doing some real research to get only real samples and replace those that I didn't know about. I was convinced of the veracity of the instrument they should represent nor of its realism. There weren't many, but I simply wasn't convinced. Maybe I'd change some things like the bagpipes, the chime, the piano grand, the up...

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Various Licenses
These files are made available through a mix of different licenses. Read the description, more info links, file contents or contact the author in order to get the full information.

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