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This is cool!
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this is the most unfamous and used sax section in almost every soundfont, however if you dont have much space for a lot of sampling, maybe this can be a cool option for you, the sound is squeeshing and quacky and ducky but beliveme its very expresive

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This is cool!
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this is one of the most famous sax sections free around on the net, so this is a WIP of compiling all this saxes

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[GD] Custom Grand 1


Uploaded on May 16, 2023 (and last updated on Jul 25, 2023)

[Update 8] [Resampled everything] [Improved EQ and mic placement] A new custom concert grand that I made that includes string resonance, sounds good and is perfect for live playing. Sampled in 24 bit 48khz. Uncompressed file size is now around 570 MB. Report more bugs in my discord: 『Kyle』#9728

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By small Creative Commons BY 3.0 Unported
Extra considerations: Credit me when used. And please do not reupload without my permission.

This is cool!
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Smaller and more compact, the definitive version of the last soundfont I made, with Arachno and Live HQ samples inside! Enjoy! Update 2.5:Restored Fuzzy Guitar from previous version. N O T E: I do want a comparison between Arachno, Live HQ, the RLNDGM.sf2 and this one on YouTube, because it would show how close to Roland Sound Canvas the soundfont is, but I can't do it by myself. If you wanna showcase it, give credit to me, but you're not obliged to do it. It's all abou...

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This is cool!
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Namco Arcade Sound Emulator ver.2

by CupheadKrasueHTFBewilderHouseFan!

Uploaded on May 14, 2023 (and last updated on Apr 05, 2024)

This isn't organized as a normal GM soundfont, but it is a sf2 file that has a lot of Waveforms recreated from old Namco arcade games. You can make Pacman midis with its sounds if you want, or maybe something better... Make a midi song sounds like if it was made for a namco arcade game!!! This soundfont's menu/stacking: each wave has a 4 presets group, that includes: Continious Wave (also CW. It sound hasn't envelope and is sustained until the end. Decay (A simple enve...

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By small Creative Commons BY 3.0 Unported
Extra considerations: just credit my work research

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