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Lil'Sness - An Original SNES-like Soundfont (160+ Samples)

by ASmolBoy

Uploaded on Apr 20, 2022 (and last updated on Dec 30, 2023)

Click on "More Info..." to check out some awesome demo songs made in this soundfont! What is this? Lil'Sness is an original SNES-like soundfont, meaning no samples were taken from any existing SNES games. Each sample was recorded and processed within the constraints of the SNES's sound hardware to make them as authentic-sounding as possible. Most samples were taken from 80s and 90s sound libraries, much like programmers/composers did back in the day. It contains over 1...

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Public small Work in the Public Domain
Extra considerations: (Click on "More Info..." for actual license, none of the choices provided fitted my needs.)

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EMU Liveware ESC SoundFont Library

by E-MU Systems

Uploaded on Mar 08, 2022 (and last updated on Mar 08, 2022)

For those who are too lazy to use a defunct tool such as SFPack, or, like me, are on an OS that doesn't support it. I've unpacked all the files from .sfpack to .sf2 to ensure maximum compatibility instead of relying on a long discontinued tool. E-MU Sound Central Liveware SoundFont Library

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Licensing Gray Area
These files have an unknown license, were obtained from unkown sources or were compiled from third party material.
Extra considerations: Company defunct since 2002.

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Phoenix XG v1.1

by Jexu

Uploaded on Jan 08, 2022 (and last updated on Feb 15, 2024)

(No description available)

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DJ's Hip Hop Kit

by DJ Incendration

Uploaded on Dec 10, 2021 (and last updated on Dec 11, 2021)

This is my first SFZ instrument! It has only five samples, but these should be enough to get you started in the world of hip hop music. You can use other soundfonts with this if you want a more complete feel, but these are the sounds I found that work together as one kit. If you find other drums that could work together with this, feel free to post a comment!

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Wtfpl small Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License 2.0
Extra considerations: Most of these samples found here were originally used in a hip hop song. However, this pack can be used for so many more styles than hip hop, it's fine.

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Touhou Retrologue Pack 0.2

by DrKoupop

Uploaded on Oct 14, 2021 (and last updated on Oct 16, 2021)

Added Spooky Lead Since I can't continue the SD-90 SF2 for a while I decided to make a few Retrologue ones for the time being, I actually own retrologue so it's easier to get these out. Hope you all enjoy them!

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Wtfpl small Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License 2.0
Extra considerations: Samples in this soundfont collection are from Steinberg's Retrologue, I do own nor claim to own anything exhibited here.

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SuperSponge (PSX) Soundfont

by tahutoa

Uploaded on Aug 07, 2021 (and last updated on Aug 07, 2021)

The game itself is only occasionally fun, but the music is consistently stellar. A majority of it is to do with 4matt's exquisite composition skill, but another small part of it is owed to his excellent sample selection. Three years ago, SaladPlainZone directed me to the Development Archive for the game. Through it, I pored over all the game's .xm tracker files, extracting each and every sample. Over the course of two weeks I crafted, in several parts, what would become m...

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