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You can find the latest version of the original free HQ GM/GS/XG SF2 Matrix SoundFont (ca. 1 GB) by cliking on my profile "Matrix369" link. This is a set of instruments that didn't make it into the original Matrix SoundFont. All instruments are additionally edited. List of instruments: Glockenspiel by Versilstudios, Acoustic Guitar 3Vel by Dino Soundfonts SF2, Violin *LDK by Fernando A. Martin, Honky Tonk Piano MONO by, Violin Looped *??? - sou...

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By sa small Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 International
Extra considerations: The license for these instruments is various and valid as for any individual source (see "MatrixSF - the rest 2 - instruments, licenses.txt").

This is cool!
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Ukulele - Heiskr, Hedsound

by Matrix369

Uploaded on May 10, 2023 (and last updated on May 13, 2023)

Two ukulele's - Heiskr, Hedsound (mono and stereo). Both additionally edited. Original samples, licenses: 008-024 Ukulele Stereo *HEI *edited 009-024 Ukulele Mono *HEI *edited Ukulele by heiskr ; CC0 1.0/Public domain ; 010-024 Ukulele Stereo *HS *edited 011-024 Ukulele Mono *HS *edited Ukulele-Hedsound sf2 sf3 ; free/unknown ;

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By sa small Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 International
Extra considerations: License in the description above or in the .zip file.

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Mandolin - MSLP, BH

by Matrix369

Uploaded on May 10, 2023 (and last updated on May 14, 2023)

Two mandolins - MSLP Nilsson (mono and stereo) and Bandshed (stereo), both additionally edited. MSLP has 2 versions: normal and tremolo. Additionaly, "Mandolin + Tremolo MSLP" mono and stereo presets contain a normal mandolin and a tremolo that has 120 ms delay. When playing faster or staccato only normal mandolin is heard, while when playing longer notes tremolo is also heard. Original samples, licenses: 010-025 Mandolin Mono *MSLP *edited 011-025 Mandolin Tremolo Mono...

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By sa small Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 International
Extra considerations: License in the description above or in the .zip file.

This is cool!
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Mumi's Handpan (Samples)

by The Sample Shack

Uploaded on May 09, 2023

Samples taken from requested recordings of Mumi's Handpan on YouTube

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