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It's the same soundfont but with a stereo copy of the electric grand piano, I made the main one mono, but samples still have stereo links, maybe some release in Fingered Bass and attenuated that low note, I left the rest as in 2022. This GM SoundFont is pretty realistic and high quality, but it's meant to be more free from the standards, which means, that I make the instruments sound the way I want and more freedom of presets, instruments and samples sounding unique, but ...

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These files are made available through a mix of different licenses. Read the description, more info links, file contents or contact the author in order to get the full information.
Extra considerations: 2022 version:

This is cool!
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well this is what happen when I resample all my previous thing, so this could be useful for ya in case that you are making your own soundfont

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After playing with the different versions of fresh air made by ying chun soul, I tried to make some space reductions, as well as combining the two versions of the choir that I use, I definitely moved away from the desired concept but... ironically I created a fresh sound that stands out against the sound canvas and all using public domain samples provided by yingchun soul

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Recreation of Fresh Air V 2.1

by Yingchun soul, Toru Inahama, Mike77154

Uploaded on Apr 14, 2024 (and last updated on Apr 14, 2024)

After a deep cleaning of the preset, I have come to the conclusion that the preset was definitely missing something, so I took the update that Yingchun Soul made and just added the missing vox synth, which came from All in one Toru inahama soundfont The choir that our friend the Chinese added at first works more like a pad than a chorus itself, however the original sound comes with a cushion pad, which is precisely what I left as a FAchoir instrument. 你很有创意,迎春灵魂,细节是Toru ...

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These files are made available through a mix of different licenses. Read the description, more info links, file contents or contact the author in order to get the full information.

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Yamaha MidRadio Player Soundfont made by HyperWORLD Team and it is GM-XG compatible. Comparing to the original software synthesizer and recreated soundfont may sound inaccurate due to soundfont's limitations.

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