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Compiled ALL THE MOST SIMILAR INSTRUMENTS of the COMPLETE ONIMAI OST. It is also GM-friendly (it means it can be used both as for editing and playing MIDIS)

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Licensing Gray Area
These files have an unknown license, were obtained from unkown sources or were compiled from third party material.
Extra considerations: Samples are just compiled. used samples from Arachno, Suave Patria, Japan Herentals, FS Erhu, Airfont380, Musyng Kite, SONIVOX GM EAS, WDSF (windows default soundfont), Rhythm Heaven, Sonatina, Squidfont, Aegean, SGM, Spectro Font (Mine), Spectro Zounds (Mine), YAMAHA Sample Library for PSR-SX700, etc

This is cool!
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This is the Petrof 284 Mistral from Pianoteq 8, I was thinking of making a soundfont of this already, even before someone requested me this. So yeah, this was also one of my plans.

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Licensing Gray Area
These files have an unknown license, were obtained from unkown sources or were compiled from third party material.
Extra considerations: If you are going to use this as part of your soundfont, go ahead and credit me.

This is cool!
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I made it with Audacity and FL Studio 21's "Slicex" Special Thanks: Cameron McCaffrey (for making samples and taking my requests for me. UwU)

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This is cool!
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I made it with Audacity and FL Studio 21's "Slicex" Special Thanks: Cameron McCaffrey (for making samples and taking my requests for me. UwU)

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This is cool!
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INSTRUMENTS is for playing the soundfont for fun Drumset & SFX Samples is for using SLICEX from FL STUDIO for playing with them. (I can't put it all in Polyphone! XD) Special Thanks: Cameron McCaffrey (for making samples and taking my requests for me. UwU)

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