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CWBF Magdalenian Conch

by Colin WB Foley

Uploaded on Feb 13, 2021 (and last updated on Feb 13, 2021)

I read the Ars Technica article about a conch shell that was used about 18000 years ago as a musical instrument: Happily, some researchers had recorded three very nice samples of the instrument. I went to the source (, downloaded the file, chopped it up into samples, fixed the tuning, and turned it into a soundf...

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By nc small Creative Commons BY-NC 4.0 International
Extra considerations: Using the license for the original work. It's arguable whether this can be copyrighted at all, though. My minimal work here can be used under a CC0 license.

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Diato: a diatonic accordion

by Soni Musicae

Uploaded on Aug 24, 2015 (and last updated on Aug 24, 2015)

Here is a sound bank of a small diatonic accordion, with 21 keys on two rows at the right hand, and 8 basses at the left, and a second stop that sounds lower. A diatonic accordion does not produce the same notes when you push or pull the bellows, and this makes this instrument not so easy to play... More, it has not all the semi-tones of its 3 octaves (from D2 to E5). With this sound bank, you can forget those drawbacks, because we have "interpolated" the missing notes, an...

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All Rights Reserved to Soni Musicae
Extra considerations: Before you download the soundbank, please read the licence and conditions of use

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<- |Discord Discord Revolution Soundfont| ->

by Melodii (AKA. MelodiiMilmshake)

Uploaded on Jul 20, 2022 (and last updated on Jul 20, 2022)

Made a soundfont out of the sounds you hear on Discord whenever you press Ctrl+/ and then press any arrow key, feel free to use btw

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Wtfpl small Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License 2.0
Extra considerations: It's obviously free, but DON'T sell it or use it maliciously

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D. Smolken's multi-sampled double bass (aka contrabass)

by DSmolken

Uploaded on Aug 29, 2015 (and last updated on Dec 27, 2015)

DSmolken at the KVR Audio Forum posted about sampling his acoustic double bass (aka contrabass) and how to best use the samples. Two primary sets of samples are provided - arco (that's bowed) and pizz (plucked) - with the addition of various "noises". If you check out his performance video, on YouTube, you might see what these might be used for... also the start of the demos below. Arco is 5 velocity layers with 2 round robins, pizz is 3 velocity layers with 3-4 round rob...

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By small Creative Commons BY 4.0 International
Extra considerations: I want it to be reusable including letting other people make better mappings, or an EQed and normalized version or whatever, and reuse it in other sample libraries.

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This is a Japanese Fender Jaguar electric guitar played on the both pick-ups setting and is played through a Fender Bassman '59 Reissue with old valves in. This amp gives a really nice full clean sound. I have recorded it on the edge of break up so the low velocity samples come out clean and the high velocity samples come out with a bit of nataural power valve distortion. You can add more distortion with effects if you need it dirtier. It is hard to get this natural break ...

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