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LSD: Dream Emulator Soundfont (PS1)

by Osamu Sato

Uploaded on Dec 31, 2023 (and last updated on Jan 01, 2024)

This soundfont contains the instruments used for the old PS1 game, LSD: Dream Emulator. A dream-like exploration game made by Osamu Sato (Asmik Ace Entertainment, & Outside Directors Company.) Instruments ripped directly from the .VB and .VH files. I am surprised that this soundfont has not been uploaded to this website yet.

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Beavis & Butt-Head (SNES) Soundfont [UPDATED]

by Salad Walkman

Uploaded on Nov 24, 2023 (and last updated on Nov 24, 2023)

This is an updated version of my Beavis & Butt-Head soundfont! This new version fixes the instruments so that they are not off-key, and there is a drum kit instead of the drums being separate. And... that is about it! I definitely recommend this version than the other! I hope you enjoy this soundfont! And I hope this has great use for you! And uh... I hope you score! Heheheh. BOIOIOIOIOING!

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Floppotron GM

by stgiga, sleaf, [nowanonymous], Yingchun Soul

Uploaded on Nov 23, 2023 (and last updated on Apr 17, 2024)

Oh I (stgiga) didn't give this poor bank a description, let's give 'em one: This bank is a cursed one that aims to replicate the sound of the Floppotron (Floppy Drive Organ). It's a ridiculous bank, and I did it on request. This does NOT define my SF2s. Anyways, IF you enjoy it, enjoy it. If you don't, I have MUCH better SF2s.

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Wtfpl small Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License 2.0
Extra considerations: Do what you want so long as you aren't a bigot or using it in ways that would make Rainfurrest attendees nope out of the idea. Oh and no, I never went to Rainfurrest (that's probably a good thing, I heard it was awful).

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The Ultimate STAIN+stin SoundFont

by stgiga, High CPU/stin, TEMMIS

Uploaded on Nov 23, 2023 (and last updated on Apr 17, 2024)

I'm stgiga, and this SoundFont is my build of The Stain SoundFont, which includes patches even back to V1.0 that were left unused, or in some cases sample-only. It also includes replaced and added patches. I left all names unaltered for preservation. I also integrated the stin bank into the MSB127 MT32 compatibility slot. Don't take this SF2 as a representation of the stuff I do. Also, the site is slow so tagging is a huge pain compared to usual. I'm likely not going to b...

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An incomplete pizza tower soundfont

by justsomegal

Uploaded on Nov 01, 2023

Just some of the samples from pizza tower that i sourced from here : if anyone wants to use this as a base for an improved version of this soundfont feel free, be aware that there's a lot thats not in here, and some stuff i can't get because its from a paid program or a live instrument recording

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