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Otamatone GM

by stgiga, sleaf, Marcel J. Therrien, Bann, [nowanonymous]

Uploaded on Nov 23, 2023 (and last updated on Apr 17, 2024)

I'm stgiga, and here is my Otamatone GM bank, utilizing percussion from Marcel J. Therrien's Gamer's Orchestra bank, and Bann's Otamatone bank, with a bank structure of single-sample GM whose invention rights were gifted to me by parties who wish not to be named. Also, sleaf's Charm's Noise Peaker was used for SFX like Applause. Since the site is slow, tagging is a problem. I will probably come back later and re-tag it. Oh, by the way: IF you're looking for the Musical ...

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The Ultimate STAIN+stin SoundFont

by stgiga, High CPU/stin, TEMMIS

Uploaded on Nov 23, 2023 (and last updated on Apr 17, 2024)

I'm stgiga, and this SoundFont is my build of The Stain SoundFont, which includes patches even back to V1.0 that were left unused, or in some cases sample-only. It also includes replaced and added patches. I left all names unaltered for preservation. I also integrated the stin bank into the MSB127 MT32 compatibility slot. Don't take this SF2 as a representation of the stuff I do. Also, the site is slow so tagging is a huge pain compared to usual. I'm likely not going to b...

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The General Montage SoundFont

by Daindune

Uploaded on Nov 22, 2023 (and last updated on Nov 22, 2023)

Here is a realistic GM SoundFont that I’ve been working on. This SoundFont contains realistic sound samples. Most of them are from No Budget SFZs, Freepats, and Versilian Studios. With 128 instruments, and 8 drum kits, and the mono instruments have been balanced to sound stereo. Although most of the instruments contain stereo samples. The next update will contain an SFX kit, all instruments will have dynamic velocity layers, and some instrument sounds will be changed. This...

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Santa Marta Grand Piano 2.0

by Sofia MZ

Uploaded on Nov 18, 2023

2020 Fazioli F 308 Concert Grand, Recorded at 24 bit, 48 kHz in Milan, Italy. 1,211 samples, 20 velocity layers, sampled in minor thirds from the lowest C. Pedal up and pedal down samples. Simulated half pedal. Simulated incremental soft pedal. Optional dampers and release noise for increased realism. Uncompressed size 4.8GB.

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