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Guitarix bass & guitar presets for reggae blues & rock

by stratojaune

Uploaded on Mar 08, 2018 (and last updated on Mar 08, 2018)

Bass sounds are made on a P-bass copy played with thumb (not much attack, so check master volume))) guitar sounds on a Squier Tele bridge mic all buttons up. These presets are intended to be a base to get your sound, all FX are small in the rack and ready to be activated and mixed as you like. Maybe on a second time you'll like to refine the settings using the "enlarge" button.. Have fun :)

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By small Creative Commons BY 4.0 International
Extra considerations: I don't know what is a license, is there a "thank you for share, free as in mind and beer" license that one can use??

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Vox Beatles Mystery Presets

by Frank Carvalho

Uploaded on Apr 11, 2017 (and last updated on Apr 12, 2017)

Enough heavy presets! Here is ten presets for Guitarix, which use Gain, GxSuppaTonebender and GxVmk2 (which you will have to compile) to produce some guitar timbres similar to those used by the fab four between 1966-68. Vox built the transistor preamp loaded 730 amp in 1965, and late in 1966 the very similar all-transistor Conqueror. Both were used by the Beatles. The GxVmk2 emulates the preamp stage of the Vox Conqueror amp, and is here used to emulate some classic guitar...

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Brian Tama Superstar Hydrogen Drumkit

by Brian the Lion

Uploaded on Mar 04, 2017 (and last updated on May 19, 2024)

I have constructed a drumkit using my own recordings of a Tama Superstar Fusion kit with Zildjian ZXT Titanium Rock cymbals. The above pictures show the Tama Superstar Fusion drumkit and Zildjian ZXT Titanium Rock cymbals used to create the hydrogen kit. Please write up as many comments as you like, good and bad. I would love to hear your ideas.

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Rock Hydrogen Drum Beat Templates

by Brian the Lion

Uploaded on Mar 03, 2017 (and last updated on May 19, 2024)

Note: This song requires the YamahaVintageKit This consists of several basic 4/4 rock beats with a few fills. There is also a crash and drag pattern which can be overlaid on any of the pieces in order to pimp them. I have only used a closed hi-hat for the right-hand rhythm, however it is easy enough to interchange this with whatever suits you, like the ride, open hats, or crash.

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Deep Bass (based on pasta bass)

by j_e_f_f_g

Uploaded on Oct 09, 2015 (and last updated on Dec 29, 2015)

This electric bass has a pronounced pick attack. This helps cut through a rock mix where you have lots of bass-heavy distorted guitar "power chords". My version differs from the original source in that mine is stereo, looped, has some noise removed, and includes a "legato mode" mapping.

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Rock / Heavy Rock Pack

by lfz

Uploaded on Jul 29, 2015 (and last updated on Jan 15, 2024)

Includes a few Guitarix presets I've been using to record a classic rock/heavy metal sound. The presets are: a few clean sounds dry and with some delay a crunchy distortion with a bright high end but a kinda bassy Mesa Boogie based tone A so-so lead sound an overly distorted lead sound See the info links for an example of the sounds.

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